"Osteopathic Medicine is centered on the holistic theme of the body. Focused on systems and based on the ideas of Anatomy and Physiology, Osteopathic Medicine strives to give optimal care to patients. From day one, the Exercise Science Department has instilled the same values in me. I have had first hand experience with anatomy cadavers, nutrition research, and even nutrition and exercise clients. With this experience, I believe going to medical school to become an Osteopathic physician fits just perfectly. The Exercise Science Department has fueled my interests of Anatomy, Physiology and the health profession by meshing such a perfect group of classes similar to nursing, athletic training, exercise, and medicine. I can't imagine having a better group of professors and classes to prepare me for my next step into Osteopathic Medicine!"
Cecilia Blume, Class of 2013
Osteopathic Medicine Program
Kansas City University of Medicine and Biosciences
Class of 2017